Music Recitals

Music is at the heart of the school and now more than ever! Our Winter and Summer choir concerts have always been a well-loved and celebrated fixture of the year but now we have introduced termly recitals. Wait… Reci-what? What’s the difference between a recital and a concert? Here’s what the Oxford Dictionary has to say:

recital /rɪˈsʌɪtl/ - (Noun)

A performance of a programme of music by a soloist or small group.

For students, a recital is a performance used to test their abilities, show progress, or complete as part of their music certification requirements.

Young drums: Go for it!

These informal concerts are organised with live sound, lights and an audience of the whole school and the families of the performers: the perfect performance training for our budding musicians. Each and every one of last year’s performance was brimming over with the students’ positivity, respect and support for their classmates’ bravery of getting up on stage alone to perform; a real celebration of the incredible, varied talent at the school. We’re really looking forward to this year’s recitals.

Instrumental Lessons

Regular solo performance opportunities has created a surge in sign-ups for private instrumental lessons and we currently have almost half of our primary pupils taking either guitar, ukelele, piano, drums, flute or voice lessons. We have recently added violin to the list of instrucments available. Watching the students so enthused to get together to practise in their free time has been a joy.

Live Act - live audience

Next Recital Date

Our next recital date is scheduled for Friday 25th October. The pupils are already preparing, giving an extra boost to their enthusiasm and energy in their classes. Thanks to all our instrumental class teachers. Don’t miss it!

Ayesha Mendham 21st September 2024


Concept Learning in Early Years