In every school there are children with special education needs and disability. They are not the exception; they are the norm.  All our pupils deserve the same inclusivity in our educational community. Our SEND team work hard to ensure that every child’s needs are met to the best of our ability and that, as such, every child is allowed to achieve their full potential educationally.


We believe that:

  1. Every child can learn and achieve

  2. Every teacher is responsible for the learning of our pupils with SEND

  3. Every teacher must have high expectations of a child with SEN

  4. Children with SEN are best taught as far as possible within an inclusive classroom where the teacher the practice for SEN

  5. Parents of a child with SEN need to be active participants in the assessment, planning and reviewing process

  6. Pupils with SEN need to have a voice in how they learn

  7. Frequent training on SEN is necessary for all teaching staff

  8. Language matters and must be positive and strengths-based (not deficit-led)

  9. Pupils with SEN need close monitoring and frequent adjustments to our adaptive practice.

OUR SENCOs (Special Education Coordinators)

SENCo Nursery, Reception & Y 1-3
Josh Rutledge
(Assistant Head of Early Years & Lower Primary)

SENCo Years 4-6     
Anna Johnson  
(Assistant Head of Upper Primary)

SENCo Secondary   
Audrey Reeder 
(Head of Secondary)

SENCos undergo external professional training in SEND.

They are responsible for:

  • The day-to-day implementation of the school's SEN policy. 

  • Identifying SEN in a pupil.

  • Liaising with and advising class teachers on the graduated approach of assess- plan- do- review.

  • Coordinating provision for pupils with SEN: assessing if Universal Provision is proving sufficient, whether Targeted Intervention is also needed; or, if not, if Specialist Teaching should be provided. 

  • Maintaining the school's SEN register and overseeing the records on all pupils with SEN.

  • Reviewing the effectiveness of provision constantly.

  • Liaising with families of pupils with SEN at least once a half-term.

  • Giving pupils with SEN a voice in their provision. 

  • Monitoring the writing of PPPs for all pupils on SEN register. 

  • Ensuring that SEN staff training is regular and effective i.e. class teacher and TA training.


Helen McKetty
 Speech and Language Therapist

Shama Arif Azmi

MSc Psychology

May be responsible for Wave 2 (booster groups) or Wave 3 (specialist one-to-one sessions).

  • Work closely with SENCo in setting targets, monitoring them and reviewing them.

  • Liaise directly with family to share targets and PPPs.

  • Ensure pupils with SEN have a voice and are regularly invited to reflect on their own progress


  • Adaptation of lesson plans for pupils with SEN (Wave 1)- universal provision.

  • Development of their own professional skills in special education. 

  • Regular liaison with SENCO to ensure that all pupils’ needs are being met.



To ensure there is a named SENCo in both primary and in secondary who are also senior leaders, thus ensuring SEND matters are foregrounded and SEND policy is a whole school priority. 

  1. To ensure there is early and accurate identification and assessment of SEND. 

  2. To ensure there is a range of effective SEND provision available.  

  3. To ensure appropriately challenging targets are set, monitored and assessed for each pupil with SEND. 

  4. To ensure a commitment to inclusive practices, to remove barriers to learning and to uphold high expectations for pupils with a SEND.  

  5. To ensure class teachers are continuously trained in SEND and supported by a SENCo in their everyday planning for pupils with a need. 

  6. To ensure learning support staff (TAs) have a high quality support programme across each school year, enabling them to provide excellent support with pupils with SEND. 

  7. To ensure there is clear, regular engagement with families, and that there is full understanding and involvement in their child’s Personalised Provision Plan (PPP). 

  8. To ensure all pupils with a SEND are given a voice so they are involved in their own growth and targets. 

  9. To foster a positive attitude, respectful language and a strengths- based approach that is shared by the entire community, supporting the self-esteem and growth of pupils with SEND.


  1. None of these necessarily indicate a SEND: social or emotional difficulties, EAL, low attainment.  

  2. Close tracking of every OT pupil is carried out and progress recorded. Where progress is significantly slower than that of a child’s peers, or slower than it had been previously, or does not close the attainment gap between a child and their peers, the class teacher advises a SENCo. 

  3. The four broad areas of need and provision all staff should all be alert to:
    Cognition and learning

    Communication and interaction

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties 

Sensory and/or physical needs

4. Once the SENCo is advised, they carry out close observations of the pupil, meet the family, and in some cases, may request a formal assessment by an ed psych. 

Provision by Wave will be defined by the SENCo and delivered by the appropriate teacher.

  Updated September 2024