Spanish Department Trip to Barcelona

Spanish department trip to Barcelona

The Spanish department organised a trip for the whole of primary to Barcelona and visited El parc de la Ciutadella” and El Museu Picasso.

We have been working in the Spanish classes on Picasso for two weeks and have discovered the techniques that he used and his paintings. In class, the children did amazing work. They chose one painting, described it and reinvented their way. (see the picture below with their work hanging on the wall)

And the best way to finish this project and learning about Picasso was to go to Picasso’s museum. Before we went to “el parc de la ciutadella”. We did a walk around, we saw:

-‘el umbracle’ which contains a wide variety of tropical plants

-the mammoth

-the lake

-the big waterfall. There we stopped for some time and we explained to the children the origin of the park and the meaning of the sculptures they could see there. As they studied ancient times, they were really engaged and participated while listening to the myths. Then we went upstairs to see the whole park.

Later we went to the museum. The children saw 4 different paintings and they were explaining what was in them and the feelings they could get. Then, we did a workshop: creating their own portrait using Picasso’s techniques. They had a lot of fun and took it seriously. In the end, they took their portraits home.


Miss Fifi Pounces on the Olive Tree